Kalau aku lihat di website mereka, SEED Contact Lens punya 3 varian yaitu Moisture (minus s/d -16.00 dan plus), Moisture Astigmatism (silinder), dan Multistage (progressive). Mereka ada contact lens buat PLUS dan PROGRESSIVE yang aku nggak pernah lihat di brand lain. Mantap nggak sih :’) yang aku punya disini yang Moisture -8.00. Iya gaes minusku setinggi itu buahaha monmaap yak.
Berikut ini deskripsi yang aku ambil dari website SEED:
The first daily disposable soft contact lens to be made in Japan, SEED 1dayPure moisture offers you the best of our proprietary technology and award-winning design. Try a pair today and enjoy exceptional vision, comfort and convenience all-day long!
ALL-DAY MOISTURE – Using our original zwitterionic material SIB (SEED Ionic Bond), and Alginic Acid as a natural moisturising agent, SEED 1dayPure moisture lenses retain more water to keep your eyes moist and comfortable for extended hours!
DESIGNED TO FIT COMFORTABLY – The design concept of SEED 1dayPure moisture is to create “a lens with adequate movement”. Its variable parametrics design uses the lens power to control its thickness and curvature, while thinning the bevel portion. The result is a lens that fits comfortably and less sticking!
TWO EXTRA LENSES IN EVERY BOX – SEED 1dayPure moisture has 32 pieces of lenses in one box. Even with the extra 2 pieces of lenses, SEED’s packaging is just as compact as other boxes containing 30 pieces of lenses.
BLOCKS HARMFUL ULTRAVIOLET RAYS – Not only are Ultraviolet (UV) rays harmful to your skin, they may also cause damage to your eyes and lead to problems such as cataracts. Fortunately, SEED 1dayPure moisture provides extra protection for your eyes by blocking 70% of UV-A and 95% of UV-B rays.
CLEAR INSIDE-OUT DISTINCTION – To help users distinguish between the inside and outside faces, 2 marks can be found on every lens to ensure the easy handling and safe usage of SEED 1dayPure moisture.
OUR JAPAN QUALITY – At SEED, our aim is to manufacture lenses “All for Asian Eyes”. All SEED contact lenses are made under strict controls in our Japan plants with ISO 13485:2003 certification, and ensured to be safe and of high-quality.
AWARD-WINNING CONVENIENCE – To help users distinguish between the inside and outside faces, 2 marks can be found on every lens to ensure the easy handling and safe usage of SEED 1dayPure moisture.
Oh iya, SEED Contact Lens ini softlens harian ya, jadi cuma bisa dipakai sehari aja terus dibuang. Bukan untuk dipakai berulang-ulang. Sebenarnya aku lebih suka yang harian gini sih, soalnya lebih higenis dan nggak perlu nyuci-nyuci.
Kemasannya seperti foto di atas ini, sama kayak softlens harian biasanya. Yang bikin beda yaitu softlens ini punya ekstra 2 pcs di tiap boxnya. Jadi yang biasanya 1 box isi 30 pcs, ini isi 32. Lumayan banget kan!
Di bagian belakang boxnya, ada penjelasan tentang contact lensnya yaitu kadar air 58%, diameter 14.2 mm, dan base curve 8.6 mm.
Didalam boxnya, ada manualnya juga dan penjelasan berupa pictorial gitu, tapi dalam bahasa Jepang. Waktu aku buka, aku sadar ternyata strip nya lebih kecil-kecil kalau dibandingkan softlens harian biasanya. Makanya dia bisa muat 32 pcs di 1 box >.<

Buat kalian yang mau coba juga, jangan lupa cek website dan sosial media SEED disini,